Mark Koelker - USA

Born: September 29, 1981

Hometown: La Crosse, WI

Years living in the Vail Valley: 14

Home Mountain: The one with snow on it.


Years Snowboarding: 24ish if you count the Black Snow Mogul Monster with no edges.

How did you get into snowboarding: Grew up skiing in my backyard and the local hill Mt. La Crosse and it always seemed like the snowboarders were having way more fun than skiers. Tried it once and was hooked.

What do you love most about snowboarding: Josh Malay and Joe Timlin

What are you most excited for this season: Walking around enjoying the scenery. Getting back up to Alaska and possibly Japan. The spring months are so much fun when the snow begins to stabilize here in Colorado. There is just so much terrain to explore.